Mobile-first search is about to launch, are you ready?
Soon Google will crawl ONLY the mobile versions of websites, so yours has to look good, run fast and let users get to what they’re after with the minimum of fuss.
Did you know that in 2018 52% of all website traffic worldwide will be via mobile phones?
Until recently websites were designed for desktop search first, but with more people now searching the internet from mobile devices Google is prioritising this trend.
So, what does this mean for your business?
- How fast your website loads, what it looks likes like and how easy it is to use on mobile devices – these will now be the key priorities.
- Google will return those businesses with well-performing mobile websites above others within search engine results pages (SERPS).
- User traffic, conversions and engagement with your business will suffer if your site doesn’t perform well on mobile, as consumers demand speed and ease of use.
- Older websites are likely to be most affected if they were built before mobile responsive design was recommended.
So how can Horizon help?
We will provide a free review of your website and check the following important ranking factors:
- How fast your site loads on mobile sites
- Whether your site is mobile responsive
- How images appear on mobile devices
- How much traffic may be lost due to mobile performance
- How easy and pleasurable the user experience is via mobile devices
What will you get?
A free tailored report on how prepared your website is for mobile-first search to use as you wish. You could use the report as a basis for improving your website, for discussion with your team or for sharing with your web designer. We’ll review load speed, content, UX and give our professional opinion.
What’s in it for Horizon?
We hope you value our service and can help spread the word to Welsh business that they need to plan for change. If your site is mobile-ready and performing well for mobile, then we salute you and our work here is done.
If you feel that your website is a bit dated or not performing as well as you like then we would be honoured to give you a quote. Either way it’s win-win.
So, will we spam you?
No way. We hate spam emails and we take our obligations to protect your personal data under GDPR seriously. We promise not to send you newsletters or updates on our web, social media marketing, content and print services unless you specifically give us consent to do so by opting-in.
GET MOBILE READY NOW! for your free mobile first website review call us on 02920 463047